DUBLIN CASTLE,  seat of the former   Kingdom of Ireland (click on each picture for details)

Below is the programme of the First Rally of the Clans of Donegal, including the first meeting of the O'Donnell Clan in over 350 years. My late father attended and this is his brochure. It occurred at Easter 1954, just after my own birth.

​​Below: "Actas"the report on the proceedings of the II International Colloquium on Nobility (2017), published by Real Asociación de Hidalgos de España (RAHE: the Royal Association of Nobility of Spain), Madrid 2019 [ISBN: 978-84-948410-5-7] . I was honored to be the only Irish participating and presenting at the II International Colloquium on Nobility held in Madrid on 20-21 October 2017, My conference presentation on Irish Nobility and Armigerous Families has now been be published (on pp. 319-332). The book of proceedings of the colloquium can be obtained from:

An Tóstal